Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Our property address is 109 Industrial Drive, Ashland, MO 65010. Look for us right off Highway 63.

What are the office hours?

The office is open between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm (Central Time). Our on-site manager is only a phone call away if you have questions.

What are the access hours?

You can get access to your self-storage unit from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. Starting December 2021 we will have 24-hour access.

Do you offer boat and RV storage?

We sure do. There are both indoor and outdoor spaces in our facility. Some of our units have electricity, which is great if you need to always keep your vehicle ready. After all, you never know when you will need it back!

What security features do you offer?

Our self-storage facility is equipped with video monitoring, perimeter fencing, and gated access.

What is drive-up access?

This storage amenity allows movers to park directly next to the door of their storage units. If you are seeking more space in the short or long term, you will be able to complete your move in no time.

Is there a business center?

Yes, our self-storage facility is an ideal place for a business owner to store inventory, for example. With conference rooms and other useful amenities, you can save funds and grow on your own term.

How do I get started?

We have lots of self-storage options, including portable storage and online recurring payments. If you are not sure what the next step is, feel free to contact us during office hours. We’ll work with you on anything you need.